Máster Universitario en Formación del Profesorado de Enseñanza Secundaria Obligatoria, Bachillerato, Formación Profesional y Enseñanza de Idiomas
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Horarios, Aulas y Calendario de exámenes de la Especialidad



Las características de este Máster, siguiendo la Orden ECI/3858/2007, hacen que todo su proceso de evaluación esté inspirado en la evaluación continua del estudiante, por lo que NO existe la posibilidad de acogerse a la opción de Evaluación Final para la Convocatoria Ordinaria; pero SI en la Convocatoria Extraordinaria (en este caso no es necesario solicitarlo explícitamente). Ello ha sido aprobado por la Comisión Académica del Máster en su sesión ordinaria del 17 de Febrero de 2020.

Complementos para la formación disciplinar en inglés This course provides an introduction to English teaching training, focusing on various key issues, such as the position of the English language in the world, the methodological approaches to language teaching, the relevance of exploring the cultural dimension in the classroom and the resources for the teaching of English.

La Enseñanza de la Comprensión y la Expresión Oral The main objective of this subject is to highlight the importance of the listening and speaking skills when teaching and learning EFL. This module examines the processes the learner goes through when listening and speaking and provides trainee teachers with effective tools to select and design effective oral tasks.

Comprensión Lectora y Producción Escrita This course is addressed to trainees or novice English language teachers and aims to provide them with an understanding of the nature of reading and writing in a foreign language and to explore different ways in which we can help students develop their reading and writing skills.

Innovación Docente e Iniciación a la Investigación Educativa en Inglés This course combines a theoretical introduction to qualitative action research, discussion of several research experiences, and a practical investigation in a foreign language classroom. This course aims to develop a reflective attitude as a means of promoting teacher development. Participants will implement ways of solving the problems they can face in their classes and, consequently, will produce theoretical ideas from their own research. Besides, emerging technologies, new processes and new habits of society should be incorporated into the educational system under the guidelines of the educational innovation. Identifying the latest trends, implementing innovative educational best practices, and sharing knowledge and experiences, are key factors to innovate in an effective and efficient way.

Planificación Eficaz de las Enseñanzas The course is devoted to helping students design, develop and evaluate effective lesson plans to improve the instructional process and learning experiences. Students are guided to analyse various ways in which teachers can assist students in their learning of English as a second language or foreign language through careful planning and preparation to meet a range of needs, aptitudes and abilities. Throughout the course, students will become acquainted with the tools to design appropriate lesson plans and didactics units Evaluación This course will explore the principles of language assessment and provide participants with opportunities to develop assessment skills and a variety of techniques within a foreign language classroom.

Estrategias de comunicación: la interacción en el aula de enseñanza de lengua inglesa (optativa) This course explores classroom interaction and situated learning with a special focus on teacher-learner interaction in the English language classroom in secondary education. We will analyse the influence of interaction patterns in teacher-learner relationships and in the learning process. The course illustrates how different methods and approaches to language teaching and learning will bring about different possibilities of interaction and different results in learning. Special attention will be devoted to the communicative method and task based language learning and teaching (TBLT). Interactional pragmatics and politeness studies will be presented as providing useful concepts for the understanding of conversational style and the construction of teacher-learner relationships. This module intends to be of immediate interest to future language teachers as it will contribute to the improvement of their communication skills, orient their selection of teaching approaches and facilitate understanding of teacherlearner interaction and its consequences in the creation of safe learning environments.

El Aprendizaje Integrado de Contenidos y Lenguas Extranjeras en la Enseñanza Bilingüe (optativa) This module introduces content and language integrated learning (CLIL) as a form of planned bilingual education and revises its current implementation via diverse bilingual programs and pedagogies to provide participants with contextualized criteria for developing effective teaching materials.

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